Bell's blog



Legacies 1x01④ Landon meets the Saltzman twins

Legacies 1x01 Landon meets the Saltzman twins L: Welcome to the Salvertoo? School. We are your tour guides. J: I'm Josie. L: I'm Lizzy. Sisters. J: Twins. L: Fraternal oops. A: Raf, I wanna you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Lando…

Legacies 1x01① Hope voice over at beginning

Legacies 1x01 Hopes voice over at beginning When we'are young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain. Good and evil. A savoir and a lost cause. (子供たちはヒーロ―と悪党の違いを教わる。善と悪。救われるものと救われぬ者。)…

Legacies 1x01③ Hope, Landon and Alaric car scene

Legacies 1x01 Hope,Landon and Alaric car scene A: How do you two know each other? (二人はなんの知り合いだ?) H: He used to serve me milkshakes at the Mystic Glow. (いつもミルクシェイクを作ってくれてたの。) L: Peanut butter blast. Whipped cr…