Bell's blog


Legacies 1x01② Hope and Alaric save Rafael

Legacies 1x01 Hope and Alaric save Rafael


L: Landon, R: Rafael, H: Hope, A: Alaric



L: Rafael, serious. It's not right. (ラファエル、真面目に。おかしいって。)

R: It is what it is, man. (しかたないだろ。)

L: You're not Catholic. You shouldn't have to confess your sin. (お前はカトリック教徒じゃないだろ。罪の告白なんてしなくていい。)

R: I tossed a lawn mower through the patio doors, bro. (俺はパティオドアに芝刈り機を投げたんだ。)

☆lawn mower(芝刈り機), ☆patio(テラス)

R: If apologizing to God gets Hector and Maria off of my back, so beep. (神に謝ればヘクターとマリアが)


: ?? Rafael, pray with me.


Hector: Landon, you can leave now. It's ok. We can take it from here. (もう行っていいぞ。)

L: I'm good, Hector. (俺は大丈夫だよ。)

Maria: Landon, this is between your foster brother and God, ok? (これはラファエルと神の間の問題なの。)

R: Hey, I got it, bro. ?? outside. (任せろ、兄弟。外で)


: [God, whose nature isever marciful and forgiving. Accept our prayer that this sarvant of yours DEPARTS.] 

R: What's gonig on here.(何事だよ)

: [Accept our prayer that this sarvant of yours departs.]

R: What?

: [Accept our prayer that this sarvant of yours departs.]

 R: What are doing!? (何してるんだ)

: [Then impious one, depart. Accursed one, DEPART DEMON.]



H: Landon.

L: Hope?

A: You two know each other? (二人は知り合いか?)

H: Long story...(話せば長くなるわ)


H: Dr. Saltzman.

A: Yeah, i'm on it. (あぁ、わかってる。)

☆I'm on it. = I'm working on it. = On it.(取り掛かっている、わかった、今からやる)

A: Doors are locked. (ドアに鍵がかかってる。)


H: You ganna want to stay out here, Landon. Trust me. (ここから離れていたほうがいいわ。私を信じて。)


A: Shut down the Exorcist, could you? (あのエクソシスト黙らせてくれるか?)



R: What's happening?

L: Oh my God...


R: Help...


A: Easy does it. Easy does it. Easy does it... (落ち着け、落ち着け…)