Bell's blog


Legacies 1x01⑥ Landon try's being compelled by MG

Legacies 1x01 Landon try's being compelled by MG



L: Why would you ask me that? 


A: Werewalf gene lies dormant until the carrier takes a human life.(狼人間の遺伝子は本人が人の命を奪うまで眠っている。)


A: If Rafael triggered his curses, it's because he killed someone.(ラファエルの呪いが発動したのは、彼が誰かを殺したからだ。)

A: And we don't accept cold-blooded killers int our program.(そして我々の学校に冷血な殺人鬼は迎えられない。)

L: He's not a killer.

H: Or not trying. (??)

L: He's not a killer.


A: Well, I know a little bit about his background.(そうか。生い立ちについては少し知っている。)

A: Neglectful birth parents. Orphaned in adolescence. 6 foster homes in 7 years. Prone to fits of anger. (海の親の育児放棄、思春期は孤児、7年で6つの義理の家族、激昂しやすい性格)

L: Yeah, you could just as easily be reading my file that's what it's like out there for people like him and me.(ああ、ラファエルや俺みたいな人間にとって世の中がどんなもんか俺のファイルを単に読めるよな)

☆out there(外に、世の中に)

H: Landon, I know this is a lot to take in right now. (ランドン、今すぐには色々理解できないのはわかるわ。)

☆this is a lot take in = there is a lot of information

H: But we're only trying to help.(でも私たちは助けようとしているだけなの。)

H: I'm going here since I was 7. This is a safe place for people like Rafael. It's a home.(私は7歳の時からここにいる。ラファエルのような人々にとっては安全な場所なの。家なのよ)



A: But if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is not a threat.(しかし引き取るとなると、彼が危険でないとはっきりさせる必要がある。)


L: His girl friend, Cassie. Last month. (恋人のキャシー。先月だ。)

L: He was driving, it was a storm. He took a turn too fast.(あいつが運転していて、嵐の日だった。)

L: Then he started acting out.(それからあいつはおかしくなっていった)

L: At first, I thought it was just grief and then maybe drugs or something.(最初は悲しみのせいだと思った。それからもしかしたらドラッグか何かやってるのかと)

L: And then he threw a 200 pound lawnmower 50 feet across the yard.(そして、庭で90Kgの芝刈り機を15mも投げ飛ばした。)

L: It wasn't our foster parents caught him in the priest.(義理の両親が司祭の床に)


L: I guess they thought he was possessed by the devil.(悪魔に取り憑かれてると思ったんだろう)



A: All of that is consistent with the newly triggered wolf.(全部目覚めたての狼人間と一致するな)


A: It's normal. Thank you for that, Landon. (それが普通だよ。ありがとうランドン。)


A: Hope.

H: Everything's gonna be ok. I promise. (全部大丈夫だから。約束する。)

H: We're ready.(準備できたわ)


A: Landon Kirby. Milton Greasley.

M: Come on, Dr. Saltsman.(よしてよ、先生)

A: Right, MG. I'm sorry.(そうだなMG。悪かった。)

A: Take it from a guy named Alaric. I got it.(??わかったよ。)


A: Landon, MG is my student mate.(ランドン、MGもここの生徒だ。)

H: He's also a vampire.(彼はこれまたバンパイア)

L: Of course, he is.(まぁそうだろうね)


L: You know for school with a secret to keep it kind of liberal with your information.(秘密の学校にとって秘密を守ることは)

A: Well, we don't actually intend for you to remember any of it.(そうだなぁ、実際君の記憶をそのままにしておくつもりはない。)


M: Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night.(昨晩からの出来事はすべて忘れろ)

M: All you need to know is your friend found a home where he can live a better life.(お前の友達は最適な家を見つけたってことだけ覚えておけ)

M: You listen but you know it's for the best.(??)


L: Are you two out of your minds!? How can I forget any of this.(二人して頭大丈夫か?どうやってこれを忘れるって言うんだよ)

☆out of one's mind(気が狂っている)

H: MG, Did you do it wrong? (MG、失敗したの?)

M: No, I didn't do it wrong. This is easiest vampire trick in the book.(いや、俺はちゃんとやったさ。これはバンパイアの能力で一番簡単なやつだぞ)

H: Well, it didn't work.(そうね、効いてないけど)

M: Obviously it didn't work.(明らかに、効いてないな)


A: Careful. Get him to the cellar.(気をつけろよ。地下室に運べ)

A: This is not good. This is bad.(こいつはまずいぞ、最悪だ。)